Saturday, October 13, 2007

Childhood Dreams R overrated

"All my life I dreamed of being a... (blank) star."

I'm highly suspect of someone working of childhood dreams. One might say they are possessed with a unique purpose that they must fulfill. We might say that they are thinking on a 9 year old level and what about allowing life to give you new dreams to fulfill?

How can an adult base their adult life in comparison to the intellect of a 9 year old? Even a 15 year old self? We're all a lot more stupid at that age than we give ourselves credit for. We can pinpoint problems like no ones business. Alas, our solutions are simply to blame and complain. All you know changes every 3-5 years. It's a cycle, and to deny the knowledge and insight of one's late teens, early 20s, late 20s... Well. Are you a slave to child hood dreams of stardom and attention?

One other thing:
It's a childhood dream to be loved by everyone.
Our studies have shown that one is enough.
If you are lucky enough to have a super hot significant other interested in you, don't be a fool and assume this "type" of individual will be into you. All you may be given in one unique individual interested in you.

Likewise, a band will only need to sign to one record label at a time. A movie is released by one distributor.
Just one. One.

So what Orlandont proposes is movies for the individuals within the masses. Not trends, because most trends don't lend themselves to movies simply because there isn't the mass audience worth the start up cost. 50 people to see your paintball epic? Spend $50 dollars to make it. Then maybe you'll profit from the experience. Not worth your time to make $50 off 12 months of dreams and work? Aha! That's why studios swing big dumb sticks at movie audiences. It profits them even if it impoverishes cinema, intellect, society, self reflection, humanity. A hit is worth the casualities.

Alas, we disregard that. We're Orlandont. Orlandont do as it does.
S_T_N_L is a case study experiment in things we're still sorting out. Easier to put into practice than put into words (like dancers. You can't tell a dancer- you show them by flailing about. Other ways of learning than passive.)
Actively engaged in building our economy on rising intellectual property value.
- Orlandont


Power of Small

Big ideas start small.
Small ideas overcompensate with big starts and bigger budgets.

We're starting small to let it grow as it will, without money
forcing decisions or rushing people, the very thing that makes a movie
worth watching longer than 30 seconds. People. Not the machine. Not the production. People.

Economies of scale is something we've studied. As numbers increase, the ratio is not a simple one to one, it's much higher. More work to allow for more involvement. Perhaps things move faster, perhaps they appear to move faster. Yet, there's much waiting for replies, questions, decisions and directives.

Orlandont is a small megapolis. There's the appearance of strength in numbers. We bet on the strength of motivated residents.
- Orlandont Sept 2007

October 15, 2007: Additions:
Putting Small into practice.
Newsletters. Stickers. Postcards. In our case, we're launching the Orlandont Fun Club (given that Tony El Guapo is such a civic booster he's decided to switch all the Barrio Boys Fun Club stuff to the Orlandont Fun Club, mostly because he'll still be the front guy and not have to reinvent the Fun Club for every project that he stars in or shoots in Orlandont. )

Most of the small ideas are offline practice. Postal mail delivery, because it's a tangible experience. We can speed up the transaction through accepting paypal transactions. And that's what we'll do! Personalized is the way to go. We don't want massive web hits. We need sales to keep Orlandont operating under its fiscal model. It's all very small to focus on writing and actors and the fun club. That's all we think we need. Sign up today!
- Orlandont October 15, 2007

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